08-15-2007, 06:19 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: H-Town, Texas
Posts: 18,009
Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve
Something for WH and others to remember is this is a young girl they're bashing. I mean obviously it doesn't mean anything that she's a Holy Ghost-filled, Acts 2:38-believing, UPC-attending apostolic - since they bashed her in spite of that.
In terms they may understand . . . how would WH or others feel if someone bashed their teenage daughter...especially in an online forum? Regardless of right or wrong, I'm sure it would ruffle their feathers.
It's not WH's place...nor anyone else's place to judge or be mean-spirited against this young lady.
Leave her alone and pick on someone else.
I honestly can't imagine how long this fracture can exist. How long can men fellowship together and consider the other and his flock ETERNALLY DAMNED?