08-10-2007, 02:52 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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***NAYC Young Minister's Session***
From the 90&9 Article found HERE
More from the young minister’s session…. “The Apostolic Advantage” with Stan Gleason
“When you cast in your lot in this Apostolic lifestyle, all of Heaven will back you.”
[He told a strange story about a dog that was really an alligator… I didn’t get that one…]
Bro. Gleeson retold of a sermon by Bro. Stanley Chambers called “Will the Church Withstand the Onslaught of History”. Bro. Chambers preached the message 40 years ago… In it he said that no religious organization has lasted 60 years with out changing doctrine, losing passion, or lessening standards.
Bro. Gleeson said we are now at the 60 year mark. Our decisions will impact the future of the Apostolic movement.
“TF Tenny is a national treasure – not a museum piece – but a living breathing Apostolic mentor. We need to hang on to every word our elders say and realize how precious they are.”
“Until you learn to respect elders you will never be respected. The only way to get over the things that God wants you to be over is when you get under what God wants you to get under.”
“In the next ten years we will bury the TF Tenny Generation – the generation that I consider to be the second generation of the UPCI…. Elders are alarmed because the young generation isn’t stepping up to cast their lot with the organization…. TW Barnes said the next great revival will is in a revelation of the Mighty God in Christ. It’s a bad time to back up from the Truth.”
“We don’t build our churches on marketing or ads, we build them on conviction!”
Someone asked if a minister would make a public statement on Res. 4 during NAYC. I think SG did here . . . though I wasn't there and am relying only on this blog. If my observations, based on the blog, are wrong, so be it.
Note this session was for young ministers . . . which could include young voting ministers.
Bro. Gleeson retold of a sermon by Bro. Stanley Chambers called “Will the Church Withstand the Onslaught of History”. Bro. Chambers preached the message 40 years ago… In it he said that no religious organization has lasted 60 years with out changing doctrine, losing passion, or lessening standards.
Bro. Gleeson said we are now at the 60 year mark. Our decisions will impact the future of the Apostolic movement.
“In the next ten years we will bury the TF Tenny Generation – the generation that I consider to be the second generation of the UPCI…. Elders are alarmed because the young generation isn’t stepping up to cast their lot with the organization…. TW Barnes said the next great revival will is in a revelation of the Mighty God in Christ. It’s a bad time to back up from the Truth.”
So much stuff in these statements . . .
In it he said that no religious organization has lasted 60 years with out changing doctrine, losing passion, or lessening standards.
In other words . . . don't change anything! If you allow Res. 4 or other things, it means you are either changing doctrine or lessening standards - and to do that means you will become like the other religious organizations.
Bro. Gleeson said we are now at the 60 year mark. Our decisions will impact the future of the Apostolic movement.
It's a true statement. Though it's always been a true statement. Decisions and actions always impact the future. So why the emphasis on the 60-year mark unless to intimidate and strike fear into the young ministers who want change. It's like saying, "those who are wanting to change things, the whole movement will live or die based on your decisions."
“In the next ten years we will bury the TF Tenny Generation – the generation that I consider to be the second generation of the UPCI…. Elders are alarmed because the young generation isn’t stepping up to cast their lot with the organization….
Is HQ in panic mode because of the seeming lack of interest in young ministers getting licensed with the UPC? With due respect to SG . . . the reason is because the young generation is becoming dissatisfied with the politics and outright refusal to make needed changes in the church.
I say the last statement is untrue . . . it's not that the Elders are alarmed because no one's stepping up. The young generation IS stepping up and casting lots - just as the older generation has.
No, the reason the Elders are alarmed is because their vise-grip hold is loosening. The younger generation isn't satisfied with things the way they've been.
They just don't want the politics.
They want HQ to stay in StL and out of the local church business.
They want to be able to reach out to their friends in various ways without being labeled liberal or charasmatic.
They're tired of being a part of a stale organization whose only real change in the past 15 years was to kick out anyone who didn't adhere to a specific set of rules.
It’s a bad time to back up from the Truth.”
Another subtle hint to keep things the same and not rock the boat.
Here's my favorite quote . . . nothing subtle about this one at all!
“We don’t build our churches on marketing or ads, we build them on conviction!”
In other words . . . Res. 4. That was a loud and clear note to pro-ad young ministers in attendance that standards, not ads, are what builds churches.
Very interesting . . .