Interesting reports....
Just received a few phone calls today concerning Ohio Campmeeting....
Greg Godwin made his PRO tv advertising very very clear...
Four very prolific and respected ministers (Pastors) AM,RJ, MW and JA are going to be very bold on the conference floor in Favor of the Resolution.
And the biggest was Rev. Harry Scism told a ministers meeting today that the reason they are so successfull on the foreign missions field are because they have very open relationships with the trinitarian churches.
He said they have very close fellowship with them and as a result have seen many churches rebaptized in Jesus Name. He added that the only way to reach North America is to start reaching out, be friending and even fellowshipping with the Trinitarians.
This dear man is highly respected and I know his words will carry alot of weight at this coming conference.
anyways.......there you have it.