Originally Posted by triumphant1
There is an obvious bias in thinking here that just is not shared by me. Of coarse I have my bias too...My mind went directly to the circumstances in my life where people have walked away from me, or the vision god has placed in me, and I tried to get them to come back or I let their leaving affect my attitude and future...
But this "permission to leave a marriage stuff" never entered my mind before I saw Bro. Strange's posts....I do not believe for one minute Jakes was saying "leave that marriage"....unless there is no marriage left, which is the case in some circumstances...(for instance: if the spouce leaves and is determined to never come back because they have left for another relationship.....then the one left would need to "let it go" and get on with their life...)
hey T1,
thanks for getting the point that the topic, in its classical pentecostal preacher way, leaves the hearer to fill in all the blanks, add, subtract, apply, don't over apply....on and on and on. Then the preacher can always come back and say stuff like...'that's not what I was saying!" or "he that has ears to hear, let him hear".
I am making NO assertions concerning mr. TDJ core targets, but the general topic is fertile ground for "ambiguous application" that will at some point consider separations involving marriages into the mix.