Originally Posted by Brother Strange
I love the heart of a true shepherd...
Ninety and nine were safe in the fold
ninety and nine though the night stormy and cold
then said the shepherd while counting them o'er
One sheep is missing, there should be one more
I forget the rest of the words, but the shepherd left the 99 that were safe in the fold and went through the stormy night looking for that one lost sheep.
How shall I ever forget the painting of the sheep stranded on the side of a dangerous ledge, ready to fall into a deep canyon as the shepherd, holding on to a fragile bush with the hook of his staff stretches as far as he can to reach the wandering sheep.
In the church, we do not need an INDEPENDENT spirit.
I definitely think you missed the entire point of the message...
Here it is...
Originally Posted by rgcraig
I believe his message was directed at the ones that continue to hold on to past hurts to the point that it cripples them.
His message was to "let it go" so that you can move on.