The Apostolic Compassion: Got my premiere issue
I received the debut issue of the the Apostolic Compass today ... and was proud to see some of the names of my online buddies who collaborated in this historic event.
Too my surprise/chagrin I was expecting a revisiting of the hard-hitting ultra con newsletter of yesteryear, the Apostolic Contender - or as we called it ... the Apostolic Contention.
In perusing through the articles there were no blatant attacks on those that don't keep standards ... and I did not see one mention of TV.
The articles appear to be inspiring, uplifting and appealing to ministerial ethic and integrity. Pastor Carroll wrote a cutesy anecdote about an old hat of his ... while Pastor Groce outlined a well-rounded conservative minded agenda with a focus on fellowship and unity in his Editor's letter.
I would say most of the articles were bible-based and theological in nature. There was one article that was either a re-print, or anonymously written, etitleld: What a Legalist is Not ... it took a few swipes at the "greasy grace abusers" but was relatively soft ... I agree w/ almost all of the points made.
There is also a good bible study on the Cities of Refuge that I will examine in more detail ... it appears to be a bit too PAJC for my taste.
In all, this is not your Daddy's Apostolic Contender ... at least not yet.
It is nicely packaged, well-formatted, well-written and COMPASSIONATE.
Kudos for not touching the TV issue weeks before General Conference and not seeming to have an agenda.
Time will tell.
Keep up the good work ... fellas. I'm proud of you.