Originally Posted by CC1
Surely you realize and will acknowledge that you are the exception to the rule. Anecdotaly from posts on AFF and it's predecessors along with my personal interaction with UPC /OP folks shows that the vast majority have never heard of the so called PCI position ever existing in the UPC ranks.
CC1, where can someone acquire the statistics of your pole?
Originally Posted by CC1
I graduated with a theology degree from a UPC Bible College and never heard one word about this.
In some districts it's required reading for new ministers to read "United We Stand" and 21st Century Pentecostals" both books outline the merger pretty well. I have also read articles in the Forward, and in the Pentecostal Herald speaking of the mergers. Maybe when your teacher was teaching on the subject of the merger you were out riding your Honda Z50?
Originally Posted by CC1
I am sure there are exceptions such as yours where it was discussed by mentor pastors to young men in ministry but the knowledge was and still is not widely dissemenated in the UPC.
I would be willing to bet you that over 90% of UPC folks don't have a clue about this.
I beg to differ with that my Brother, it's in the UPCI literature and there books from their Publishing House.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa