Originally Posted by Falla39
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. What is in our hearts is coming
out our mouths, or being written. The words we speak, whether it is
spoken or written, is telling those who hear or read, exactly what is on
the inside. Where is the man/woman crying out to God, "LORD, create
in me a clean heart, O God, and renew in me a right spirit", or the desire
of " Let the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be
acceptable unto THEE, O God".
LORD, who am I desiring to please. God or man (myself).
You got it. The way people write things here can tell others much about them. They can build credibility for themselves as mature Christians and responsible adults, or they can diminish the respect others might have had for them by acting adolescent.
Doesn't this board have an 'ignore user' function?
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