Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Hmm... don't know ... I understand what you are saying about God's acceptance should be sufficient ....
but are we not also social beings ... Are we not to seek communion w/ the head and not the body?? ....
Even God saw fit that Adam not be alone .... prior the fall.
Yes there is peer pressure and an inner desire for peer acceptance ... but is that necessarily always a bad thing?
Oh no, Daniel, not necessarily a bad thing. We grow, expand and become more knowledgeable about so many things interacting with people. It's very exciting when minds come together and we think, talk and plan.
It can be like sitting in a coffee shop, at a round table, and the conversation is so stimulating and the atmosphere is just right for it. Life can be like that, exactly,surrounded by people.
It's only bad when you can't stand on your own two feet and make progress in life. If you have to fall back on the acceptance of people to feel successful, that's when it becomes a detriment to your personal character.