Other Forums and Ministry
When we created this Forum, we had a few set goals.
We want a place where ministry is not belittled or degraded
We want a place where the members on this forum are not insulted or degraded
We want a place where we are not "enemies" to other Apostolic forums, but able to work peaceably with each other, knowing that many members frequent several forums
While we have probably been too lax on some of these in the past, please do not be surprised if you are warned, given an infraction, or banned for doing any of the above. Our goal is to provide a place that generates open and honest discussion, not a war zone to kill each other. Disagree with doctrine. Get as heated as you want concerning doctrine and beliefs, and what you see as error. But learn to not attack the person.
This is the Christian thing to do, and if you don't agree, we welcome you to log off and post elsewhere.