Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Assumption is embarrassing, isn't it?
I have a boatload of PMs as well. They are posters here as well as 'the other place'.
As if you are an expert on any women's hair.......LOL!
Is there a reason you possibly consider yourself some sort of spokesman for women's issues? Most of your posts are on women issue threads.
Just wondering....seems kinda strange.
Yeah, well, I'm married to a black woman, so I would say I know about black women's hair, not to mention the fact that I am Puerto Rican and have dealt with my own afro since I was ten, and three of my children have hair just like their mother's. How many black women have you lived with, and helped to take care of their hair, to even think you know the first thing about a black woman's hair and what a black apostolic woman goes through in dealing with church standards? Have you dealt with a black woman who was told not to cut her hair, and that she couldn't use straighteners in it either, leaving her to deal with really long kinky hair? I doubt it. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, framed it, hung it on the wall, and finally took it down. How many children have you had that were born with naturally kinky hair they never got cut until 3 years ago? I have two daughters I have dealt with that issue on. How many of your kinky, long haired children got lice you had to deal with that wouldn't go away for over a year, because of all the problems getting a lice comb through their kinky hair? Don't talk to me about what you know about black people's hair, cause you don't know a thing about it.