I am almost totaly illiterate on things of this nature but here is how it works on Paltalk. You pay a little extra (cant remember how much) and people can see you. Thats it.
As far as Paltalk being so horrible I say it depends on what room you are in. I have had many rooms over the years. You as the owner have the power to run the room as you see fit. I do not allow serious name calling such people will be silenced or bounced out of the room.
Oh yes in other peoples rooms I have been ripped to shreads at times. I have also been in a lot of respectful rooms. Paltalk can be what YOU make it. For me it is fantastic. I have been able to bring a number of people to Oneness there. All you really need is interested people. I have taught Oneness to as many as 50-60 people at one time in my room. Other times I have sat there for an hour without anyone coming in.
I also meet on Sunday mornings there with a few friends for fellowship in a private room. It is a blessing from the Lord. Maybe not for everyone but it is for me.