Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Crajak the problem is NOT in the Saviour the problem is in those who reject His salvation. God is a gentleman He will NOT force Himself on any who do NOT want Him.
I agree the God is a gentleman, and nowhere have I suggested that He would force Himself on anyone. Rather, He will present Himself as a loving father presents truths to his children until his children's eyes are opened, at which time they will willingly and thoroughly accept Him. My sons from age about 13 to 17 thought they had out grown my input and my wisdom, but some how by 19 to 21 they suddenly saw their dad in a totally new light and fast friends we have become again. In that process I changed my approach, at times I pulled back and let them experience the results of their decisions, but my love for them never, ever waned. Can I possibly love my children more than our Heavenly Father loves His creation? No one whom truly experiences and knows God will ever reject Him or His salvation, He is that great! Folks will walk away from religion but not "the friend that sticks closer than a brother.