'doh! (oops, that gives
my TV away).
I think there should always be some sort of AS that must be signed - but not every year (or every 2 years) like some sort of nanny thing. The way it is, it's just belligerent and silly.
However, when we go back to the fact that in 1992 the vast majority of ministers had signed on under the old "Required Reading" plan, and the fact
that plan included PCI material that mitigated the harsher aspects of the PAJC view -
then what the General Board and the General Conference did in 1992 was illegal, unethical and immoral. This is the point that I think needs to be brought up and argued at a GC.
Without even realizing it,
WE changed everything. When I first signed for my card in 1985 I thought I was subscribing to J.H.D.'s interpretation of
Romans 4:17 and that I was NOT a part of a group that condemned every other Christian organization as being "lost."
When I signed again in 1993 - I thought I was just re-upping, as it were. In time, I learned that I was wrong. Our doctrine had officially been changed and we had become something that I never would have joined in the first place. And, that change was made in an underhanded and delibertly deceitfull fashion.
There are several men who need to be flown in to the next General Conference, lined up on the platform and the entire assembly should pass by, shake their hand and apologize. We owe them at least that much.