AS always, there is a wealth of information on this forum. I grew up in a UPC family and UPC church. Although I was taught, accepted, believed the PAJC 3 stepper message for salvation and understood it to be essential, it was with a different attitude.
My dad came into the truth in 1929, along with his family and in the next couple of years they were all Baptized and received the HG. My mother received the HG in 1934 and was Baptized in Jesus name in 1935. I'm giving background in order to support my statements.
My parents had been serving God for a few years before the UPC was on the scene, so when I was born their knowledge of "truth" was imbedded in their lives.
Acts 2:38 message was solid in our house and never questioned, BUT, by the same token I was not taught some of the intolerance so prevelant today. I don't know if it was the loving spirit of my parents or the teaching they received but I do not recall the mean spiritedness of today. We were indeed taught that we had the "truth"; but all the "others" weren't condemned.
Since my mother had attended ABI (pre 1945) and two of my dad's brothers also went to ABI it is possible that the way Bro Norris approached the subject was influencial but none the less I think the church today has changed from the 1950's . My father and mother are not alive so I'm not able to question them on the PCI or other teachings of the 30's and 40's. I still love the
Acts 2:38 message, but find that we have attached addendums to the original.