Originally Posted by Malvaro
but tournaments are conducted in "sanctioned" areas wheres it's monitored.... not in the city, near neighborhoods and businesses, and at night no less.... it may not have been "wrong" in anyway, but it was certainly careless.... if I was a cop, or a citizen for that matter, and saw some kids with what looked like real guns (in today's world).... I'd call it in faster than one could say, CRIMINAL.... jmho
1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
There are some things a person shouldn't do/go because of what it could "appear as" to others.... not even because it's necessarily wrong....
Tournaments are conducted on private property whereever it's available. Who says this was not monitored either? Just how closer WERE neighbors and businesses? Where they making excessive noise?
BTW many of these guns have the red barrel on them just as cap guns often do so cops can be warned these might not be real.
Second it is NOT criminal as long as there is no law against it, so saying it appears evil for that purpose is untrue.
Now, if someone wants to say it's wrong to pretend to kill each other that is a different argument
As for what "appears" to someone. I could be riding with another guy and some idiot could think it appears we were homos. I could ride with a woman and some idiot could conjecture we were on our way to fornicate. Sadly appearances are really in the eye of the beholder