Thought I would share what happened in a small group that I was invited to minister in. A local church 30 miles away invited us to share in a small group that meets in one of it's members house (yes the Pastor was present).
After a time of worship, I taught a simple Bible lesson on the 4 reasons the NT gathered together.
- To hear from and be healed by Jesus
- To Worship God together
- To be equipped for ministry
- Bring a gift to edify someone else
After 40 minutes of teaching, I opened the group to the possiblity that God would want to do more in the group that simply talke about these things, that he might want to do the stuff.
I intially recieved a word of knowledge about a physical condition that a visiting family had, they receieved prayer and seemed to benefit from it
I then asked if others had needs, a lady stood up saying something about her back muscle being stretched and being pain, which caused a nerve to be afflicted in her leg.
We proceeded to pray for her with some minimal results, but afterwards a brother who had come in using a cane, began to make noise about being healed and that he can move his legs and back, he began to demonstrate the healing that instantly came to him.
The amazing thing about this, no prayer was directed to him, he just believed and received as we were ministering to others.
Also as a child he attended some faith healing meetings and was put off by the supposed fakery that he saw. He was very skeptical to God healing anyone.
He kept saying over and over, I never believed that I could be healed, this is real, real, and real. Praise God!
Just thougtht I would share these unusal manifestations of God's power.
Praise God!