I am a Happy Mother
As I look over this forum and other places I see some of my children and spiritual children writing in favor of missions...it makes me know that I have fulfilled my job in passing the torch...
I see writings from Brother Chad Thomas (my son in law) Sister Amy ( my "adopted" daughter in missions) Brother Raul Jr ( our oldest son) and others at times writing here...I know being a missionary mom has been well worth the journey.
I do not have strength like I once did or health either but I can live by the side of the road and give advice to those who will climb the mountains for I have been there and know the dangers and pitfalls that await new young missionaies...
I admire these young people that are "full force ahead" in the work of the Lord. These that work with us live the life we have lived for the past 40 years...a life of faith. They like us have no ideal where tomorrows food is coming from but He who keeps the sparrow and waters the lilies is more than able to keep care of His "faith" missionaries...
I always tell some of my kids if you want to join an organization and know a check will be there every month it is ok to do so...but somehow in the providence of God they too feel what I once felt...a call to cut earthly strings and follow only HIM that calls...(and that is not to mean anything bad about organizational missionaries)...It is a personal choice...and a very personal call.
We have other children that work in missions. Brother Michael and Sister Marcela who know the power and workings of God through the life of their oldest son who had heart surgery twice in the last 6 years. Yet God has opened every closed door...sometimes not when we wanted it but in His perfect time and will. They too live by faith.
Our son Arlei and his family who recieve 200 dollars a month will be making their move to the jungle sometime after our regional April convention. It doesn't seem to worry him at all that they have such little support. I said something about it and he said, "Mother the same God that supplies for you all will take care of my family and I." What faith....
And so is the story with many other of our children and "adopted" children in missions...
So, I am a happy mother...and I am sure Brother Alvear is a happy father having so many of our children working in God's work...