Originally Posted by Monkeyman
Speaking of "Dunderheads" Iraq has nothing to do with 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not a war of christian US ideology against radical islamists...it's us butting in a country trying to free that country from an dictator, that was done...guess what charlie, nothing is fixed. WE are only a country that has been in existence for over 200 years, we cannot go in and "fix" a struggle that has been around forever. THE US IS NOT THE WORLD'S POLICE!!!!!!!
How dare you imply that I forgot 911, I was there 1 week before, some of their faces are forever etched in my memory, I have been there many times since to remember fallen heroes.
You guys always try to paint with the same brush for anyone who is against a war. If you even had a clue about me, you would know that I have supported most of the conflicts/wars that this great nation felt to partake in....NOT THIS ONE!! Is Colin Powell unpatriotic and a dunderhead??? Answer yes, and we see your ignorance.
hey monkey man, i am not saying that anyone in particuliar is forgetting 911 but i think the country is, and no i dont think iraq is about 911 but al queda is there and it is part of the war on terror, i belive you my brother are a true patriot, as a whole i think people are forgetting what we are up against, dt