Originally Posted by Amos
I know some people who were destroyed and washed up on the shores of spiritual shipwreck because of his books.
Not just leaving standards but completely walking away from God.
The book started a process of questioning and disillusionment that eroded away every foundation they had.
I pray for his healing, and also for his soul.
He has much to answer for.
This post was very rude and disillusioned.....
Yes It caused people to think...and things were questioned that have been needed to be questioned for years.
I dont agree with all of the books...but I know the man.
If the book caused shipwreck...they were never anchored in anything by mans rules anyways.
Keep your prayers and while your praying for his soul...pray for your own.
Bro. Dan
Qualified to post this as I am UPCI!
Just plain dumb!