From the Keyboard of NLYP
To my fellow posters,
I am who I am.......
I am consistent with who I am....I do not change with the crowd and to KNOW me is to either love me or hate my guts...really there is no middle ground.
I have been chewed up and spit out and I have done the chewing and the spitting as well. I can go at it with the best of you and both give and take a good beating.
I Love this truth....I love this Gospel...I love this Org and I love my brethren.
Even in the midst of love, sometimes there arises frustration...but my love does not waver.
Over the last day or so, an exchange between me and Wholehearted climaxed with my being quite verbal about my feelings for him and his style of thinking.
This is not so much an apology for what I said to him, but the chance for me to be a man and say that I could have handled it better and not done it publicly.
I am, as it may shock many of you a "Liberal UPCer" and I say that with pride and with no reservation at all. I have friends , GOOD FRIENDS, that are "Moderate UPCers and Conservative UPCers and yes even Rapid Ultra Communistic Conservative. I Celebrate ALL factions of the UPCI and the men that God is using mightily to bring revival into this last day.
I find there is safety in being a "Liberal" because I don't have to ........, or condemn or ridicule anybody for what they believe....Ill take them as they are.
Now, there may be times that I VEHEMENTLY disagree with them and yes even argue with them, but NEVER will I let our disagreements turn into reasons to question if we should fellowship or not.
Ill take you as you are and I will not force what I think an Apostolic should be. The problem I have is that the "other" guys refuse to celebrate my triumphs, my revivals and my walk with God, which FORCES them to take on what I consider to be a Pharisaical Spirit. THAT I cannot stomach!
I have had my fill of TV or no TV, trimmed hair or no trimmed hair, light makeup or no makeup....The bottom line is this...are you ready...this is deep......
'Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God...But he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love"
The greatest commandment was simply.....LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
Not change one them!
If you are Mod. LIB, con or UC....there is room for all of us...we are the church.....WE...US.....think about we DO need each other!
I do humbly ask that if any of you were hurt, offended or surprised by my post yesterday, that you find it in your heart to extend grace and forgiveness to me.
I don't EVER want to see....the church become cookie cutter Christians.
I LOVE our diversity......
I respect each of you.......and yes would help ANYBODY on here that really needed me...thats what a family does.....I celebrate with you and cry with you and laugh with you.
One of the best friends I have in this world is much more conservative than I, and yes we have some knock down drag outs...BUT he is my friend...and we have one common bond....THE BLOOD!!!!!
Period and checkmate to the devil that would love to divide the church!
Love yall....really I do..
I would ask that we ALL strive for "peace with all men, and holiness"....we too often forget the first part of that verse.
Bro. Dan