Originally Posted by TrueNorth
I respectfully have to disagree with the last statement.
What really holds us back is a change of mentality and a socialization of what it means to be a Christian.
We have become content to be comfortable, a malaise that is not only in the pulpit but also in the pew. The key to national revival does not lie with Hazelwood, Toronto or anywhere else, it lies in each local church fulfilling the great commission where they are.
Our problem today is we spend all our time defining who we are and what our purpose is and what our challenges are and we never just get down to doing what we are supposed to be doing. No national governing body or definition can change that.
There is a large group of our constituency who are cultural pentecostals. It's all they know and they have much of the "stuff" down pat - but lack the fire and fervency to change the world.
Great comments True North.
I don't think that I could agree with you more