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Old 08-01-2024, 07:44 PM
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Bro Flame Bro Flame is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2018
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So, I had a really bad wreck.

You read it right. I was involved in a near-fatal car wreck on July 2, 2024. I had just dropped my wife off after visiting the OBGYN (we're expecting a baby girl come October, by the way) and I was heading back to work. I turned out of the parking lot, and a man hit me going 57 mph in a 35 mph zone. He flew through the intersection and used a turning lane as a straight lane, smacking on my left side in the process.

My wife saw the whole thing and was horrified. She immediately came to my car and a young man helped her break the passenger window. My wife started talking to me to make sure I stayed alert and the paramedics arrived in just a few moments. It didn't look good. The entire left side of my car was crushed in and I was trapped inside the car. The jaws of life were used to break me out of the car. As God would have it, my wife's mother and sister where nearby in the same town and they rushed to her side, praying with her in the Holy Ghost outside of my car.

I was air lifted to a trauma hospital about one hour from where we live. I was initially in very critical condition and they couldn't keep me stable. They even got me stable, but I was still knocked out.

To make a long story short: I spent two weeks at the trauma hospital and then I came back closer to home and spent another two weeks in a hospital doing in patient therapy. I just came home today, August 1, 2024. I still have our patient therapy to do. I have a lot of recovery to do on my left arm and leg.

I want to share some testimonies before I close-up this post:

1) While I was mostly unresponsive in the ICU immediately following the wreck, I remember feeling the vent down my throat helping me breathe. I remember my wife and stepmom being there and talking to me. During this time, I had a voice pop into my head, and it was the enemy. In my weakest moment, the devil told me I was going to die and that I was going to spend eternity in hell. I was vulnerable and I remember being scared -- very scared. Out of nowhere, the Lord showed up. In the power of the Holy Ghost, my mouth spoke, "Devil you are a coward" and I began speaking in tongues and rebuking him from my mind. Praise be to God, the enemy did flee.

2) We all had been told multiple times at the trauma hospital that it would be some three months before my body would completely heal and I'd be back in good shape. One day, my mother-in-law was there visiting me and my wife and she asked the RN there that day about an estimated time of recovery. The RN said she guessed 8-12 weeks. I was so disappointed. Before my mother-in-law left, we all prayed together, and the Lord clearly spoke into my spirit, "It won't be that long." Praise be to God, my recovery has been faster than the medical predictions. Thank you Lord.

My mother-in-law and I have both had dreams of my walking out of a hospital-type room with people standing behind me in amazement that I am walking so soon. By my faith in God, it's going to happen.

I want to brag on my wife, my help mate, for a minute. At nearly 30 weeks pregnant, she has stood by my side. She spent every night with me in both hospitals and only left me out of necessity. She attended practically all therapy sessions with me and lost many hours of sleep in a rough hospital recliner. Jesus sure set aside a good woman for this ole boy. She is the best and I cannot express enough how much I love and admire her.

I have a wonderful, God-reaching church family. Let me tell you, my church family can pray. They are full of the Holy Ghost. In my weakest moments, I could feel their prayers and their pleas to God to speed up my recovery and help me press on through.

I don't want to forget to be thankful. Jesus has been too good to me throughout this ongoing ordeal to lay aside my thankfulness. At multiple times through the day, I take a minute or two and just rest my eyes as I thank the Lord for his mercy and goodness in saving my life.

I know this has been a lengthy post, and I apologize for any typos, but I wanted to share this with my AFF friends.

God is good and worthy to be praised!
I am Apostolic
I believe in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
I believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
I believe in living a holiness lifestyle, inwardly and outwardly, without which no man shall see the Lord.
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