The post proves you are a dispensationalist
"The Age of Conscience" is a dispensationalist teaching because it refers to a specific period of time in biblical history where God deals with humanity in a particular way. Dispensationalism is a theological system that emphasizes the different ways God relates to humanity throughout history.
In this context, "The Age of Conscience" typically refers to the period from Adam to Noah (
Genesis 3-8), characterized by:
1. God's initial revelation to humanity (
Genesis 3:15)
2. Human conscience as the primary means of knowing right and wrong
3. Individual responsibility and accountability
Here are the 7 ages or dispensations in dispensationalism:
1. The Age of Innocence (
Genesis 1-3): From creation to the Fall, a time of perfect harmony between God and humanity.
2. The Age of Conscience (
Genesis 4-8): From the Fall to Noah's Flood, a period where God dealt with humanity through their conscience.
3. The Age of Government (
Genesis 9-11): From Noah's Flood to Babel, a time when God established human government and ordained capital punishment.
4. The Age of Promise (
Genesis 12 -Exodus): From Abraham to Moses, a period when God made promises to Israel and established the Abrahamic covenant.
5. The Age of Law (Exodus-Matthew): From Moses to Jesus Christ, a time when God gave the Mosaic Law to Israel and emphasized obedience.
6. The Age of Grace (Matthew-Revelation): From the birth of Jesus Christ to the Rapture, a period when God offers salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
7. The Age of Kingdom (
Revelation 20): A future millennium when Jesus Christ will reign on earth, and Satan will be bound.
Dispensationalism is contrary to a correct understanding of covenantal relationships, and an incorrect understanding of the old and new covenants