Originally Posted by Chewy
Really, that is my point, no one ever said in the Holy Word of God that tongues was given to classify whether folks could be part of the organizational movement.
When folks of a different stripe are asked if they have the holy ghost, and they say they have spoken in tongues but do not have the outward standard accoutrements we insist they do not have the Holy Ghost because we haven't heard them and their outward appearance does not suggest they know truth.
Tongues is a deeply personal experience that shouldn't be anyone's business.
Being a Repented, Baptized in Jesus Name and Holy Ghost filled believer has nothing to do with an organization...
The UPC/APOSTOLICS have been branded by the World & Christiandom as Tongue Talkers... it's not something the UPC/APOSTOLIC World chose...
Concerning those who are filled with the Holy Ghost and are not following biblical standards there are few pastors that I know who tell them that if any.. but once they have been taught the importance of Biblical Standards in their Christian Walk they must live by what they have learned...