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Old 05-02-2022, 09:42 AM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Hebrew Matthew - separate edition

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post

The Hebrew Matthew, seen and partially described by Jerome from the library at Caesarea Maritima, was a different text than canonical Matthew. And I said above that it is not extant. It likely did not have any internal translations.

Here I have some material on the topic.

Pure Bible Forum
Jerome and the Hebrew Matthew - (not canonical Matthew)
Hello, but the Hebrew Matthew isn't true. I gave you my reasons which you didn't deal with here, or over on your forum which you offer me in your post.
But I mentioned that the so called HEBREW Matthew originated by hear say, the first mention in Antiquity is from a quote from Papias of Hierapolis. Also Papias of Hierapolis was quoted mentioning a "sayings" of Jesus, which we don't have, but we do have a "story" of Jesus by Matthew. Also, one cannot build a case for a Hebrew Matthew based on the word of one ancient writer who is giving us the word of something he heard. SA, there was never a Hebrew Revelation or Matthew. Especially Revelation being that document was sent to Diaspora churches in Greek speaking territories. Also Nehemia Gordon never deals with the Greek linguistic issues of Matthew.

What if the Chinese call Jesus, Shàngdì does God know what's going on?
How about the word God? Ghuthan is where we get the word Gott, or God. It's old Anglo Saxon word for their deities. Same as the Chinese Shàngdì.
My whole issue with the "name game" is about the Judaizing agenda all the proponents have. I'm not saying you are Judaizing, but Nehemia Gordon, is a Judaizer, and most of his followers in Christianity and in the Karaite Judaism. Presenting the THEORY of Hebrew New Testament isn't new, and the Kabbalist Talmudic Rabbis have been pushing their agenda for years. If Michael Gibson calls Jesus Yah isn't my problem, my problem is the agenda behind the YAH. Michael Gibson is just a by product, having no agenda to Judaize. But, Nehemia Gordon is as anti-missionary as any other Rabbi worth their salt. While Gordon tries to refute this by saying he doesn't try to "convert" anyone, or that he is looking for the return of a Messiah, doesn't negate he isn't on the same team as Christ. Mordecai Alfandari was Gordon's mentor, and while Gordon tries to downplay the whole affiliation as far as anti-missionary goes, Gordon doesn't give a convincing argument. Pushing a narrative of Hebraism to dummies who won't look past their goosebumps for everything Rabbinical is anti-missionary. I have more respect for a Rabbi Tovia Singer than a Nehemia Gordon type who is just a wolf among the sheepfold. At least Rabbi Tovia Singer comes flat out and tells you he is trying to destroy Christianity and convert everyone to Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism. The whole name game isn't our job, our job is the Gospel and winning people to Christ. The Spirit of Truth will guide us to all truth. If Nehemia Gordon isn't preaching One God Jesus, baptism in Jesus name and infilling of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Then he isn't building, he is wasting our precious time. Just another jack leg selling books, and making money off people who have less knowledge on a topic than he has. People have been calling Jesus, Jesus for 2,000 years, no English speaker needs to call Him any other name. I sure don't need some Rabbi lessons to learn how to pray.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 05-02-2022 at 09:46 AM.
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