Re: Warning to All
Originally Posted by n david
I understand. But it doesn't appear anything was done, since both slanderous posts are still there, unedited for all to read and no apology has been given. Admin was quick to delete "head up your rear" yet keeps the slander untouched. What else am I supposed to make of that?
I also have one PM with a read receipt which has been sitting unread by Admin since Tuesday afternoon and possibly a couple other reported posts which I wasn't able to track.
Tell me, what would you do if someone falsely accused you of being a racist and "the biggest liar on AFF?" I doubt you would "drop it." I also doubt 0 would be posting for a while if he slandered you.
Two other posters have stated similar claims - they don't recall seeing Originalist criticize or disagree with Trump, yet he only attacked and slandered me.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence