Vaccine Mandates and GDP
I don't have the answers on this one but I'm just here to pose the question.
If say 20% of workers leave their jobs due to vaccine mandates that will lead to a highly negative impact on GDP (implies X% less money moving through our system) which will lead to less demand for certain products/services and potentially more demand for others, all the while lowering our servicing and production capacity.
Overall I think it's going to lead to a minefield where certain items like essential goods and services see high inflation due to consistent demand and less production (think hamburger meat and other products most all americans tend to use). While other products/services will see less demand and less production leading to little to no inflation in their prices (possibly cars). Then there's also the products that lose demand but get lucky and keep production (leading to deflation of their prices - which will lead to layoffs unless prices rebound quickly).
Seriously, the vaccine mandates could lead to a depression and major issues for businessess+consumers if enough people quit their jobs over them. Why isn't this being talked about anywhere?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Last edited by jfrog; 10-28-2021 at 09:57 PM.