There is no freedom of speech on any Social Media platform. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, OfferUp, or Craigslist. Guess what? No freedom of speech on any Vbulletin forum. You have admins in every Social Media one way or another. Why? Because someone is paying the bills. Do you pay for Facebook? Do you pay for Twitter? No, it is all free to you and they sell your information. Donald Trump, was removed from a few platforms. YouTubes, Twitter, but that is because he is a member of the platform like anyone else. They removed him, what reason did they give? Whatever reason they wanted. I've been banned from every forum I have ever been a member, including this one. I seen people corrected by the Admin, including myself. Watched and read the posts who challenged the admin, and see CC1 pipe up and reprimand the offending poster.
That's maybe why I thought you owned the forum CC1, because you made such a huff about anyone challenging the Admin's verdict. Anyway, threads have been locked, because they got out of hand. But that's acceptable because we don't own the place, we use the place for free. Therefore Social Media platforms like Facebook, if it wants to get rid of those who challenge the ownership's view of the vaccine. They have that right. Now, if an outside entity asks the owners to get rid of certain information, which the platform owners were already zapping and removing. Again it's their show, their property. So, alas, the internet has just turned around and shut down those who were always using it Anyway, most of Pennycost use Facebook, and will now be monitored by Big Brothaaa ( everyone must of been monitored since day 1). If you all don't use Social Media outside this quite place, then good for you. by the way, talking about paid platforms, we pay for our phones, but they need a warrant to get our text messages (even the deleted ones) yet that will soon change.
We have a POTUS who is a demented death rattle who walks like he has a full diaper. We have just had 7 months of this wet brain, and we still have three years and five months to go. Can you imagine what will happen by 2024? Everyone will be begging for a hero, a superman, a Donald Trump 4.0 to save them? Well, we shall see. So far its been falling apart pretty darn quick. But let's just relax and enjoy these video together shall we? These might be your next presidents?