Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Sean, their outcast status began in Babylonia and Assyrian captivity of Judah, and Israel. But, you seem to be sacred to explain to us where is Judah today? Where would we find a physical place called Judah in 2021? Where are these people who are born from the line of Judah, who live in a place called Judea, and can be Biblically called Judeans? It looks like you have the "weird" doctrine. Also your failure to answer my original question, proves you are an instigator who has only one focus. Which isn't truth.
They were dispersed to the 4 corners of the earth in Babylon?
Also, Judah is a people, not a place. Jesus comes from Judah, a person.
God knows where they are. He keeps the lineage.