Originally Posted by Pressing-On
If you listen to people who are running the Stop the Steal rallies, and people supporting audits, etc., they are saying it is MORE than Trump, it is about honest elections, it is about the American Republic.
I just listened to the Stop the Steal rally in AZ today and THAT was their message. Trump just happens to be the leader who was cheated.
God and country.
I remember arguing with you back in 2016 about Trump. I remember pointing out that it wasn't about Trump, he was just a battering ram that a fed up populace were using to smash against the gates of Mordor-on-the-Potomac.
What I have seen though the last 4 years is a veritable cult of personality develop around him. Hence the profusion of "Trump" flags at venues OTHER THAN Trump campaign rallies, the whole Qanon psyop, and the ridiculous preachers and "ministries" claiming Trump is either an actual angel or some kind of divinely appointed prophetic figure or whatever.
So it's good to see the folks pivot away from "Trump is the Man with the Plan" to a realisation that he's actually personally insignificant, that it goes much deeper and is far more important than one particular candidate. Better late than never, right?
Now if they'll just reign in the Proud Boy element and the drunken redneck contingent and start emphasizing the absolute need for national repentance? Then we may be getting somewhere.