Re: Sid Roth, Branham, Cain, and Reed
Marks' point is that people are so distracted and influenced by media, entertainment, sports, news, that it is sapping the life out of the church. And it is so pervasive that ministry cant point to specifics to preach against (ie TV), but individuals need to come to the place of taking a sword and cutting out the ungodly influence out of our lives.
I can't wait for or depend on a preacher to draw a line in the sand. I'm going to let the Spirit lead and check me.
We need to "save ourselves" from this ungodly influence.
We need to grow up and take responsibility for our salvation. Instead of joining forces with mega superstar tv personality preachers, we need to preach the gospel on the streets of our cities one on one, preaching the cross.
Last edited by Amanah; 11-30-2020 at 04:24 AM.