Originally Posted by mfblume
I'm not saying any more about the issue than this last note, while I'd like you to see how many posts I made about eschatology on a thread that was not about it... But for the record, many times you spoke about music in the church and talked about IHOP and mentioned they are post trib., and post-trib came up many times as the priority in what churches you referred to in posts that were not about prophecy. Personally, I don't even rate a church by what prophetic slant they have, however you always list post-trib in any reference to what a church believes.
Mike, I would say probably in very few if any of the times I mentioned liking IHOP because of post trib did I then start doing a teaching on it. I would usually mention I liked them because of post trib because someone in the thread was condemning them (or me) over this or that and I would try to explain that I support truth wherever it may be.
Nonetheless I should not have said what I said to you here. Carry on.