I spoke with Nicodemus about this issue in a thread on the fellowship section, where I really did not want to debate this issue there. But he kindly ceased, but I would like to discuss it here.
Here is the last dialogue we had there:
I asked why oneness cannot accept the thought that Jesus still exists as a man in heaven at this point.And here was his answer:
Because the physical man had a purpose and the purpose was completed!
What has that got to do with thinking that the existence of a man now as Son of God makes one depart from oneness when you believe that oneness included the picture of Jesus as a man at the same time He was God when there was what you believe a purpose for it? Just because you think there is no man now since his purpose was done, does not mean that IT IS NOT ONENESS to believe there is a purpose now and that the man still exists.
Oneness is about the STATE and NATURE of Jesus in relation to humanity and deity.
Since you believe that Jesus as a man was also God at the same time, and He was so before the cross, and you say that that correctly represents ONENESS, then the same picture with both Jesus as man and God today is just as oneness. Oneness is not about PURPOSE. PURPOSE is another topic. Oneness is about an explanation of what is going on with JESUS as a man and Deity. Is Jesus the same GOD that fills the universe while at the same time Jesus was a man? YES! That is oneness! And that holds true whether the man is in heaven NOW or was on earth THEN.
Oneness is about the nature of Jesus being GOD AND MAN at the same time. It matters not WHEN. It is just as much oneness to say that Jesus is STILL God and Man at the same time as much as it was to say He was so before the cross.
The Bible says,
John 19:30 KJVS
[30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
Finished- meaning he brought to a close.
Yes that was stated by Jesus on the cross, but Jesus did not say WHAT was finished, though. I claim that the need for all that would fulfil the old covenant and the question of sin was FINISHED. The WORK was finished. That work is focused on in
Hebrews 10 as being FINISHED which caused the SON TO SIT DOWN IN HEAVEN. It was AFTER Jesus ascended into HEAVEN that He was told to SIT DOWN.
Do you not believe that
Psalm 110:1 was fulfilled AFTER Jesus ascended into heaven? THAT is the MAIN ISSUE of this entire subject.
Matthew 28:18 KJVS
[18] And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
A MAN GIVEN ALL POWER. Amen! God is NOT GIVEN power. God HAS power. So, Jesus was speaking as a MAN while he was also God at the same time.
So why would He as a MAN be "given" all power only to no longer exist as a man any more? Kind of a waste of time.
Ive said this with others, the physical body of Jesus was NOT God.
I agree!
The SPIRIT that indwelled that sacrifice was God. The Physical man is not another deity, nor is it the from of God in the spirit realm.
I am not saying the physical man is deity or is from the Spirit realm. The PHYSICAL MAN did not come into existence until the incarnation. And yet HE ascended into heaven and was told to sit down while HIS DEITY would put his enemies beneath his feet.
So, once again, do you believe that
Psalm 110:1 was fulfilled AFTER the ascension, and who do you believe the LORD is who spoke to David's Lord in that post-ascension dialogue?
The issue is that ONENESS is the understanding that Jesus is both God and Man at the same time. He's not a second person of a trinity with a third person involved.
The situation of Jesus being on earth as a man and is thought to be God at the same time, and was eternally God while he was not eternally man, constitutes ONENESS.
If that same situation exists NOW, except that the LOCATION of JESUS as a MAN is now in heaven as opposed to earth, while at the same time is the one eternal God who is omnipresent, then THAT IS STILL ONENESS.
How can it no longer be ONENESS if only the LOCATION of the MAN who is Jesus has changed, while Jesus is also God? How does LOCATION of the man make a difference in ONENESS when it's the same scenario of Jesus as both man and God?
If one wants to believe Jesus is no longer MAN as well as God (which is wrong), that is NO MORE ONENESS than believing He is still existing as both Man and God.