Arkansas UPDATE
Last Sunday we landed at the Pentecostals of Northwest Arkansas. Quite a friendly group of believers. They sent the van for me and my friend... my friends.
(Names changed to protect identities.) Edgar is 19, a church “kid.” Adam is 20, an agnostic. At least he was when he arrived. The night before we left south Texas a minister met with them at Adam’s home. He prayed with them. Adam stated that he felt something, he just didn’t know what. We told him that he felt the Holy Spirit.
Fast forward to a week ago. Adam went to the altar to pray. He said that he felt love. Again, I told him that he felt the Holy Spirit.
This morning during worship Adam received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Then during the altar call Edgar received the baptism of the Holy Ghost!!!
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//