Originally Posted by Amanah
The ministration of death is the law written in stone, while the ministration of the Spirit is the law written on the heart. The moral commandments are not being done away with, but the ministration of the Spirit brings life rather than death.
It is not the commandments that are being done away with, but rather a change in ministration.
Yes, if I understand your intention.
Paul clearly showed that the MANNER of utilizing a written code of law and making yourself obey it is what kills, in
Romans 7. The Spirit produces the same righteousness that Law tried to produce, but succeeds because it is not stirring up sin in the flesh like self-will stirs up sin when we use our flesh to serve God without strength from the Spirit to do so.
The only thing I would say that you likely disagree with is that sabbath has changed form the shadow to the body, and God does not require us to keep the seventh physical day. All of us know we need to rest. But the ritual aspect of it having to be the seventh day with every detail of how to cook food, etc., is passed, like prohibitions against pork. It's wise in ways to not eat pork, but not violation of Gid's will.