Re: Why Sunday
Originally Posted by mfblume
No. I am saying we never read of a case where God says your outward obedience to the commandment against adultery means nothing if you do it inwardly, as he did say so against sabbaths. He always used ritual and says it meant nothing due to their sins. The ritual in itself is useless due to the sin, when that is not the case in outward refusal of adultery. Outward refusal of adultery is good and must be maintained even though the inward heart adulterates. One does not cancel or the other as useless though, when it does when rites are the subject.
Inward adultery is wrong, I agree of course, and it can Happen while outward is not taking place. But saying it is the same thing as committing adultery outwardly is not saying the outeard refusal is useless, as he says sabbath letting is useless when one sins.
How did Israel and her sister Judah commit adultery against God? What was the legal order set to give God the reason to had the bill of divorcement?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence