Originally Posted by Ehud
I've never seen a group so self-righteous about being biblically righteous in my entire life.
Isn't that the truth. Being Biblically accurate isn't a bad thing, but let's face it everyone who swing from the steeple, believes they are Biblically accurate. Hence we have full blown arguments on what is Biblical. Someone in a church where the leadership is flippin and trippin, move on.
I have posted before on my friend who has a church where you must have a beard, you must fast when the elders TELL YOU to fast. No internet, plus if you were baptized IN JESUS NAME without a beard, you need to be baptized again with facial hair (of some kind). But he will give you awesome arguments on why he is right. His people are totally cool with what is going on. But this isn't an anomaly, it is corn bread and butter beans religion. In our yearning to not be cult like, we end up being a wee bit self righteous. We are good and they are bad. While outside around us the ship is sinking all the way to the bottom.