Are Men in Pentecost threatened by INTELLIGENT WOMEN?
Women earned 45.1 percent of bachelor's degrees in business in 1984-5 and 50 percent by 2001-2, up from only 9.1 percent in 1970-1."
It is fairly well known that women today outnumber men in American colleges. In 2003, there were 1.35 females for every male who graduated from a four-year college and 1.3 females for every male undergraduate. That contrasts with 1960, when there were 1.6 males for every female graduating from a U.S. four-year college and 1.55 males for every female undergraduate.
With more and more women now dominating the college scene in our society, we are seeing the glass ceiling slowly but surely crumble in business, gov't and professional sectors.
Women have always been as intelligent as men but most of us recognize that there has been a change in paradigms that are centuries old.
Now enter the Church. Among most Pentecostal circles women have traditionally not held many positions of leadership, nor have they been as vocal as they are today.
One only needs to look at the number of licensed ministers in some fellowships to see that there is still a disproportionate balance.
Although, I don't think this will change anytime soon ... nor am I advocating a crusade .... it is somewhat troubling to me.
however, my question is as follows ... have some men allowed their view of church hierarchy to pervade in their attitudes towards intelligent, independent-thinking and vocal women in other venues ?
... let's say ... like on an online forum or other secular activities?
Are they threatened to see that males aren't always in charge or the purveyors of higher thought?
What say ye?