Originally Posted by Esaias
Cain: already addressed.
Tamar: funny you forgot to mention how Judah demanded she suffer the penalty of Leviticus 21:9.
Conclusion: your grasping at non inflatable straws is a clear sign of drowning. So sorry. Tried to throw you a life preserver but it was apparently too kosher for ya.
Translation: This thread has run its course. Long ago.
Thanks for correcting that oversight. So, was she burnt with fire? And was she the daughter of a priest? The answer to the first question is no. The answer to the second is, as you like to say ”not likely”. So, further evidence that Judah was not following what you claim to be God’s divine law.
And as for it being funny that I forgot that Judah demanded that Tamar be burned, it is indeed ironic that you call me on leaving out part of the story, and then you do the same thing that you accuse me of.
So to be clear. Judah said burn her. Before he said don’t burn her. Because he admitted that she was more righteous than he was. But IF the Mosaic law were in effect as you claim, Judah himself must die as well, because he “went into” his daughter in law, albeit unbeknownst to him, which was punishable by death, under the law that you love so well.
Just one more thing Esaias . . .
Under the law a man was required to father children with the wife of his deceased brother if he had no sons.
And you made a statement to the effect that if a law was not specifically repealed in the New Testament that it stands today. Am I correct? So, to my knowledge this law has not been repealed.
So, does it stand?
How far do we go with this?
When have we done enough?