Re: 2 Peter 3
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Gee I never realized that!
Look at it this way then. If WE in this time dont have a decent Bible translation, altho I have about 15 printed versions within my reach not to mention dozens if not hundreds available at a computer click, think of the saints before us.
For hundreds of years most of them could not even read! Much less have hope of owning a "Bible". Their faith stood in what a priest or preacher told them. Do you really think they had these FANTASTIC systems of belief like you see on this forum? Things so complicated to understand people cant even discern that men teach that Jesus came in 70ad? Why do they defend this stuff?
Does YOUR Pastor know YOU DO?
Its possible that MOST disciples of Jesus IN OUR DAY dont own their own Bible.

(Not necessarily in that order)
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Last edited by 1ofthechosen; 11-30-2018 at 01:34 PM.