Originally Posted by Trouvere
Sister Michlow,
You may not agree with all the pastor preaches but you have to be saved.
Committing spiritual suicide is not an option.Sometimes you have to just
stand and wait on God to deliver you or maybe ask yourself if there is
not another underlying problem going on with you that makes you feel
the way you do or respond to the preaching in the manner the way
you are? I ask myself this alot.My husband was without a job for about two
months.This weighed on me so heavily that nothing made me happy.
Think long and hard and have an option before you give up your lifeline.
I read where you said its been three years in the making.Have you
finally thrown in the towel and given up after three years?
I would post differently but I don't see where you are leaving one church
for another.I only see where you are staying home.Red lights are going off
and I hear a siren going.Its 911.I am going to really get to praying for you.
You need revival.
I am simply going to say, that I always appreciate any prayers that I can get. I am not giving up on God, I am leaving a particular organization. I am currently not attending church, that is true. Right now I am simply waiting for God to show me my next step.