Originally Posted by Aquila
...the tone between Christians has become to disrespectful.
The rhetoric between communists and noncommunists has become "disrespectful". I wouldn't bother with any "gentlemanly dialogue" with the orcs pouring through the gates of Minas Tirith. Pleas for quaint dialogue with communists, subversives, and fellow travelers was never in order, certainly not at this point. In fact, dialogue is no longer possible in this nation between the progressive hobgoblins and legacy Americans.
The goblins use dialogue like Dracula lulling his victims into a complacent, distracted, stupor. And the Men of the West are, more and more, realizing the futility of talk.
We are on a trajectory that lands square in the bullseye of civil war. All politics has become dress rehearsal for armed conflict. Talking is what takes place while resupplying and maneuvering into position. All of this could have been avoided, but commies gotta do their thing and like the Terminator cyborg they never stop. So here we are.
Both sides have reached an impasse in this nation. Many normie types are discovering that yes, Grandma certainly does have big teeth, and are beginning to act accordingly. The socialists, progressive communist SJW liberals, and their neocon conservatard enablers, have brought us to this point.
I would strongly advise everyone to distance themselves from large metro areas, they tend to become death traps when nations go full-bore Yugoslavia.