Originally Posted by n david
I support local farmers and farmer's markets. But first and foremost is my family. I'm not spending twice the amount for the same products.

It's not virtue signaling. Believe me, I'm not into virtue signaling. My philosophy concerning Walmart is due in part to having worked at a Walmart distribution center years ago, coupled with the fact I seem to NEVER find what I'm actually looking for there, plus the service is atrocious. When I do go I try to always use the self checkout line, and I avoid trying to ask any employees for help.
I support local businesses because I support family businesses in my local area when I can. Stewardship involves more than just "me and mine". The "mine" is a larger group than just the folks under my roof, in my opinion.
Internet shopping however has changed the scenery completely. A lot of times I simply can't find what I need in a brick and mortar store at all. When someone develops a model that delivers online purchases to the home within 24 hours, they'll be richer than Bill Gates.