Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
If you had Jesus as a pastor, David as worship leader, and Paul taking up the offering. You still would place them on the pay no mind list. Face it, you couldn't give a care about submission to God's rules and regulations. You like being the interpreter of what you deem to be godly and correct. You make it up as you go along, and Jesus has to submit to you, not the other way around.
Self government under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That's the Kingdom, predicated upon the individual's relationship with Christ. No need to force our way of life on others. They choose if they desire to bow to human government, or self govern under Christ. We self govern under Christ. No earthly king or government. We govern our own lives, based on the Gospel. When earthly government clashes with our way, we resist peacefully. They can jail us, beat us, or even kill us. That's the cost.
When I say "earthly government", that includes so called "theonomic" models. Any government where men seek power over men.
The only true "theonomy" is one with the individual being ruled by the Holy Spirit Himself... in the midst of this earthly mess filled with governments designed to rule through coercion and force.
Christ will put these earthly governments down upon His return, and rule those glorified souls who submitted to His rule in this age.