Originally Posted by Aquila
Because it was different. It wasn't a voice that resonated like the Holy Spirit resonates. It sounded just like a man in the back seat. I thought I was about to be car jacked and robbed at the very first. Scared me to death. Too "human"... but... not human, obviously because no one was there. It's hard to explain, but a simple enough feeling.
That makes sense to me. The Bible says we entertain angels "unaware". Everyone that I have known who has truly seen an angel always describes them as a completely normal male human being. One woman said she realized he was an angel after he walked out of her office because he seemed to be "in" his clothes rather than wearing them, if that makes any sense. (He was nowhere to be found when she ran out after him.) The voice of God is said to be like "many waters". I think you would have driven off in the ditch if you'd heard the Lord Himself. I'm so glad that He saved you from this accident. What a wonderful thing to be passing along to your children, this wonderful story of help.