Originally Posted by deltaguitar
Well, I have no problem following the standards of the UPC even if I know they are sometimes wrong because I want unity in our church. Also, I have no problem trusting those who are older and have more wisdom than me. But it amazes me that people I know who have been to Bible College can't even agree that this passage of scripture might at least be debatable.
Someone close to me is a minister w/UPC. I started talking about the hair subject with him recently. In talking, I brought up the word shorn... had he ever looked up the meaning? Did he realize that it meant cut close to the head? Did he realize that it goes hand in hand w/shaven... think sheep and cutting off all the hair. From the expression on his face, it was clear that he had not. So, I continued talking to him... and I sent him an email stating in detail what I've found in studying. He read it and promised me that he will study it out. He's been really busy right now, been oversees working w/missions, but I know that he will do it because he promised me.
I might be a little predudice, but he is intelligent and is an excellent speaker... he is an awesome preacher and teacher. He really studies the Greek and Hebrew on everything. I was amazed he hadn't ever studied this subject closely. Of course he is a man and hair doesn't really pertain to him all that much.
I do know that he once promoted RR and her "power in hair" message and absolutely does not believe that now... and I know that he doesn't believe cutting hair will send you to hell. *sigh of relief*
I am not for a total abandonment of standards.. I just want truth taught.... and nothing more. If it isn't in there for "uncut" then quit teaching that it is.. Quit laying a burden on some women who find it very difficult not to trim and keep their hair neat and groomed.