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Old 08-26-2018, 05:03 PM
Evang.Benincasa's Avatar
Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Re: What logic and Bible is used against beards?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
My summation on this thread.

The biggest argument against beards is NOTHING AT ALL from the teachings of YAH. Nothing from Yeshua. Nothing from the Apostles.

They make not the slightest charge of neither sin nor unrighteousness about a man wearing a beard.

The fault over the strife of beards has to be laid EXACTLY where it comes from. There will be no "just forget it" no lets just "move on".

Its not the fault of those who wear a beard. They are emulating Jesus Christ, the creator of the beard as well as the Universe.

All the snide remarks and joking and personal attacks wont change the truth.

The strife over beards is the fault of all the "shave only" Preachers.

They condemn the Trins and all others for teaching the doctrines of men. They ship them all off to Hell.

Yet THEMSELVES have no pangs of guilt over turning many souls away from "Apostolic" Churches over some man's PERSONAL PREFERENCE from decades ago who no one seems to be able to name.

Many of todays Apostolic believers are simply followers of man. They dont fear that the God sitting on the throne may well be wearing a beard himself.

All they fear is MAN.

They all pat each others back and hide behind their pathetic "Apostolic Light" doctrine.

As long as they preach Acts 2:38 they THINK they will be safe.

All other doctrines even to the extreme of teaching Jesus came back and resurrected and raptured the Church in 70 ad and there is no such thing as satan is all fine to them.

They feel secure as long as they have done Acts 2:38.

Indeed THEY are the ones who have camped out and missed the moving of the cloud long ago. And they have become so hardened in their worship of men they cant see it.
Mike, who in Jesus name is YAH?

You want to talk about other people making it up as they go along?

What about you? What about YAH? How much Hebrew do you understand? How much Hebrew do you speak with other Hebrew speakers? YAH and yeshua? Mike do you believe in seven dispensations? I just have these two questioons. 2,0000 years no one ran around calling God YAH? Or Yeshua, why do you feel the need to dump the Church on its head with your Judaizing? Two, do you believe in seven dispensations?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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