Originally Posted by CalledOut238
(2) Judaism- (3) Catholicism & Jesuits- (4) Freemasons & Secret Societies and (5) Bankers & Governments are the hidden hand.
I think each of these groupings are actual middle and upper level executive management. There are people above all these groups who are the actual owners and beneficiaries of the various operations which are managed by the different groups you listed.
An example: People think the Rothschild banking family cartel is the boss of bosses, but they are actually just bagmen for both the Vatican and the Crown™ investment funds.
At this point in my research, it is my opinion that there are various competing groups of old aristocratic families practicing a common mystery cult religion and tracing their ancestry to the Flavian-Herodian united dynasty/ies. These families launder their financial operations via front groups like the Vatican, the Rothschilds, the City of London/Crown, governments, etc.
THAT is the "hidden hand" behind all these groups. I believe that is the head of the synagogue of satan, which are fake Judeans (both spiritually and ethnically). I do not think the synagogue of Satan is a term used by Jesus to refer to a single organized group, but rather is a reference to several things at once:
1. Edomite "Judaeans" opposed to Christianity in its early days, largely run by the Herodians, Pharisees, Sadducees, and possibly Essene groups.
2. Judaeans - including ethnic Israelites adhering to Judaism - in opposition to the Gospel (fake Jews because a true Jew is a new covenant Judaean, not an antichrist).
3. Those who adhere to the ideology of the antichrist Judaeans and are organized in fellowship with them (ie Judaism).
4. Any other qahal of fake Judaeans including atheistical or "secular" Zionists.
5. Any organised group of heretical unapostolic claimants to be the Israel of God EXCEPT the new covenant ecclesia of the united Houses of Israel and Judah.