Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
You know something, I have gone round and round with you and your idiocy.
But today has to be a momentous one. 1ofthechosen however he responded, was due to you pouring gas all over your head. Then with big smile handing out matches to one and all. Chris, you always seek the most insane anti-Christian things to place yourself smack dab in the middle. Sorry, Cheeto, but today you have shot yourself in the foot with a shotgun.
So, if I poured gasoline on my head and handed out matches... and 1ofthechosen chose to set me on fire... do you think the courts would let him off Scott free because he's one of your "good ol' boys"???
Get real. He's responsible for what he does with the match. And, so are you.
I've already gotten two or three rather sympathetic and compassionate private messages. And not all posters reacted that way... even with matches in their hands.
How one chooses to use the match...proves their character.
I'm talking about events that are now over 10 years old. You are addressing these things like they were yesterday with full blown rancor. That's just another way you constantly mischaracterize. Lighten up elder.